My transformation, after taking my essence, was gentle, yet thorough. Like running new software in your brain. Both alien and yet completely in harmony with the natural world. I took the essence and meditated for my intention, which was to find the deeper truth of the stories I was telling. The next thing I knew, I was rewriting a two-part Hasidic gangster series. It literally showed me what was missing and what the films were about.
Now I am putting my essence to work on robot and vampire films. It is fascinating. I think I know what I am sitting down to write, but when I sit down, something else happens, some other intelligence chimes in and pushes me to go deeper. I am not only writing but on a journey of learning about the world in a whole new way. The writing has never come so effortlessly. I thoroughly recommend these essences to anyone who is writing or has hunger to know more about the meaning of life.
Thank you Sylvia! So much to be grateful for.
— Eve P., New York