It Is Time Now: The Ace of Spells

By Sylvia Platt

At the river, I collect a bowl of water, an offering to the wyvern I am to visit in the forest. I am ready to take the next step on my path, a leap, really, of faith and action both, to begin offering my magical elixirs to the world.  I must not delay any longer, the time has arrived.  But I lack the fire, constitutionally (and astrologically) and this, head out for the woods where I know the wyvern lives, my bowl of water in hand, some bright ripe, red madrone berries floating on top, a symbol of the fiery seeds I hope to plant.

When I place the bowl at the base of his tree, the wyvern drops down from his perch high in a branch, joining me on the ground, and hands me a wizard’s staff.  I had heard about his gifts, that I must have a clear intention if I planned to accept the staff he might offer, and I am prepared.  Bowing, I accept the gift, which he holds in his scaly mouth, feeling the energy flowing from the wyvern into me, my hands, up my arms, into my body.

I slow my breath, remove my shoes, ground into the earth, and concentrate the energy, filling myself up.  First my physical body, then, spilling out, into my energy body and my etheric body.  Once we are full, all of us, all my bodies, with more than enough energy for ourselves, I focus, we focus the energy and light up first my heart chakra and then, from there, making sure my heart is the driver, all my other chakras, those in my physical body and beyond. 

I send this energy backwards in time to all my past selves, forward to those yet to come, and out to all my selves now sharing this time in on other dimensions.

All the while, the day around me continues on.  Though I am not aware, the sun has set and the moon has risen.  Suddenly, the wyvern touches my third eye with the diamond point of his tail and I open my eyes for a moment and see the moonlit landscape, shadowed and silvery.  I see the staff in another life, held by an ancient ancestor cloaked in skins, a shaman-warrior medicine woman I met on a journey recently 

With my third eye charged, I am ready to focus the staff’s magic.  Using my imagination with the staff, I draw a circle in the fallen leaves around me and they light up with a fire of their own, a glow, lit and thrumming.  I reach both arms into the air, the staff in my right hand moves to meet my left and transfers the magic of manifestation between the sides, bringing balance to my work:  Left and Right, Feminine and Masculine, Yin and Yang, Heart and Head.

I see the dragon, Noquiklos, she of this land where I live, she who graces the logo of my flower essence label, and I touch the pulsing end of my staff to her third eye and ask her, in all her wisdom, power and beauty, “Will you be my true partner in reaching people, helping them remember their own connection to the Mother?  Empower me, Ancient One, to help in the relearning and reclaiming of what is needed to tend and care for Earth.

Lighting sparks charge out from my feet, through the mycelium, across the ground, into the trees, up and out into the air, down with the rain, misting across everyone, everywhere.  We stand, arms outstretched, hair wild in the wind, until I am spent, until the energy has moved.  The moss and leaves beneath me call and I lie upon them, in my circle, and sleep.