What are flower essences?
Flower essences are the vibrational messages and medicine of plants and places, their imprints, collected in water and (traditionally) preserved in brandy. All flowers (all plants; in fact, all beings) have vibration, which can be read as innate wisdom, and which can be shared. Every plant, every being, has its own therapeutic properties; flower essences allow us to engage with the knowledge, gifts, and wisdom of plants to learn, heal, and grow.
Flowers are the highest vibrational expression of a plant and also the most communicative across species.
It is the flowers that attract insects, birds, grazing mammals, and humans. They call to us and are the ultimate expression of a plant’s desire to engage and offer their beauty. Essences remind us of our highest selves and “reflect a plant's unique divine self....” (Green Hope Farm). Flower essences can be a wonderful way to heal and grow because they act as catalysts for change at deep physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. The wisdom in the essences is an electrical vibration, information that is easy for our human electrical systems to read, absorb, and learn from. They are completely safe to work with, whether you use them alone or alongside other healing modalities. Unlike with tinctures and essential oils, there is nothing physical about the medicine of Flower Essence so you cannot take too much or have a chemical reaction to a Flower Essence.
Water holds vibration and can capture this wisdom—allowing us, when we take an essence, to invite its properties into our lives to help us grow and expand our consciousness, health, and well-being. My flower essences are made with filtered tap water, which has been offered prayers and the intention of love and healing. They are preserved in equal parts brandy.
I make flower essences and offer one-on-one sessions to help you connect with the plant spirits most supportive to you at this time.
The Green Path
I have heard the plants singing since I was very young: wild, cultivated and house; and they have always offered me love, generosity, wisdom, and care. I am very glad now to be able to share these gifts with others. During my winding path to this work/play/exploration with flower essences, I have raised money, cooked, farmed, taught, parented, and mentored, all the while, singing, dancing, hiking, and gardening. I presently live in Port Townsend, WA, where I am engaged in a habitat restoration project on six acres I steward, and Cornish, NH, where I caretake a 237-year-old house in the woods, near land I have deep connection to and which my family has cared for since the late 19th century.
Developing a conscious relationship with the land (and the unseen realms and beings which also inhabit these places) continues to be a profound experience for me. As I integrate this understanding and knowledge, I connect more and more deeply with Nature and have learned how to help clear past trauma and negative energies on the land, as well as how to work with vibrational plant medicines, like flower essences. My work presently involves supporting people in connecting with the Earth through flower essences, being in nature, listening deeply, and exploring and expanding consciousness.
Blow-Me-Down Brook near my family home in New Hampshire